Is your heater ready for the winter

Summer is Over is your heater ready for the cold weather?

The first day of fall is September 22, it seems like just last week everyone was at the beach on summer vacation. Fall brings changing leaves, Halloween and of course cooler temperatures that turn air conditioning to heating.

Is your heater ready for the winterThis also means it is time to start thinking about scheduling your annual heater or furnace inspection and maintenance.Calling your local Heating, Ventilation, and A/C (HVAC) company to give your air conditioner those essential tweaks that will keep it running smoothly after a whole summer of hard work is a great way to ensure it lasts a long time. While you have someone looking at your A/C it’s a good idea to have them inspect your furnace as well. This way any small issues can be resolved before they turn into a major repair during the cold months, leaving you without heat.

Even though your furnace has not been used for the last several months, its time is coming. The cold weather will be here before you know it, the rain will be falling again.

This is the perfect time to give your furnace a day of pampering. You can schedule your furnace inspection and maintenance at the same time as your air conditioning service. This will save you time, money, and will give you the opportunity to make any necessary repairs or upgrades to your A/C and Heating Unit at the same time.

warm your home redapple airLooking for a new furnace, air conditioner, ductless system, wall heater, electrical panel, dryer vent cleaning? Red Apple Air provides many services to be your one-stop home service company. Red Apple Air is an amazing HVAC company and offers outstanding customer service located in Harbor City. Call us today to schedule a heater maintenance or inspection

(310) 532-0522

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