Clean Air

Did you know?

  • The average person spends 90% of the day indoors?
  • The air inside your home may be 2-3x dirtier than outside?
  • The Outdoor Air in Los Angeles is well…. Not Good

The Good news is Red Apple Air is the King of clean Indoor Air Quality.
Find out what makes us the best and how that Serves your family.

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Indoor Air Quality Facts

My story with Unhealthy Air Quality

My journey with indoor air quality began about 10 years ago. Here is what happened. So my daughter who was 6 years old at the time was having a problem with her breathing. At first we thought  she was just recovering from a cold but as time went by nothing changed.

The symptoms she was dealing with were: difficulty breathing, runny nose and congestion. She made a noisy breathing that sounded like a dog bark.  Very fatigued with fever. Simply put, she was not well.

A few weeks after my wife took her to the doctor and where we discovered she had croup. No big deal, the doctor recommended some home remedy techniques. But that didn’t work. Next the doctor recommended steroids. We tried that but nothing changed much. It did alleviate the problem a little, but not enough.

A few weeks later and to my surprise, I drive up the driveway only to find my wife dragging entire rugs and throwing them out of the house and onto the yard. She approaches me and tells me, “I know something in the home is getting her sick and I’m going to figure this out because I’m not going to allow my daughter to take drugs.

Air Purification Systems

I agreed and started hauling out all the rugs in the house. Then I replaced all the dirty ducts. I especially sealed around the recessed lights. I sealed EVERTHING from the attic and from the crawl space. Then I added the best air purifier I could find. Cleaned out her bedroom and I let 2 weeks pass by and like we knew she would, she became well.

That was my tuning Point. Since then I have designed a residential healthy system and launched a commercial best of the Best Air purification system you could find anywhere in the Western hemisphere. The Company Name is Red Apple Inc.

Problems caused by Poor Indoor Air

There are many statistics proving indoor air quality is the cause or can contribute to a myriad of problems, such as.

  • Lung cancer
  • Fatigue
  • Asthma
  • Lung infections
  • Heart Disease
  • Mental Illness
  • Death
Here is a list of pollutants that can hurt your body and mind through the above problems.


Bacteria and viruses

Building and paint products

Carbon monoxide


Cleaning supplies and household chemicals


Dust mites and dust

Floods and water damage


Mold and dampness

Nitrogen dioxide

Pet dander

Residential wood burning

Secondhand smoke

Volatile Organic Compounds

The reality is that most homes in the Greater Los Angeles and Orange County have most of the above chemicals. So what do we do? And how do we handle it.

Well the short answer is? Call us and invite us to provide some solutions for you. Which we can.

The longer answer is, let’s use the solutions we will create plus we figure out what needs to go and what products we need to stop using. And we automate it for you so you don’t have to worry about the air quality in your home.

After all, money solves the problem, and isn’t Good mental and physical health what matters most.


We’d love to help you with designing your home healthy indoor air system.

Clean Indoor Air

A Red Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

You’ve heard it all your life. “An apple a day keeps the Doctor Away.” Because of our love for Clean indoor Air, we decide to name our Company Red Apple. That’s the kind of devotion we have to our purpose and commitment to helping you stay healthy when it comes to respiratory health.

As the leaders in indoor air quality, Red Apple Air designs air purification systems for homes of all sizes.

Erica M.

"Was an absolute pleasure working with this company! I wish other service providers were as careful, considerate, professional and efficient as Red Apple. Will definitely be using them in the future should the need arise."

Our Indoor Air Quality Services

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